
Your Account!

If you use the website, it is your responsibility to protect the privacy of your account and password and to control who has access to your computer and account. You acknowledge that you are accountable for all activities that occur under your account or password. You must take all necessary precautions to protect the confidentiality and secrecy of the password. Additionally, you must get in touch with us straight away if you have any cause to think that someone else knows your password or if you think it is now being used or is about to be used in an unauthorized way. In the Your Account part of the website, you may view and modify a lot of the information you provided to us.

Your Conduct!

You are not permitted to use the website in any way that hinders access, causes it to malfunction, or causes any other interruptions. You understand that all electronic communications and material transferred from your computer to maxwaywellness.com are exclusively your responsibility and are only permitted for authorized business purposes. On the website, the following actions are not permitted:

You should not send, use, or reuse anything that is not yours, unlawful, offensive, was obtained dishonestly, was used to commit a crime, or was otherwise unlawful. deceptive, false, abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, or pedophilic; racially insensitive; disparaging; violating copyright, trademark, confidentiality, privacy, or any other proprietary information or right; or otherwise harmful to third parties; associated with or promoting money laundering or gambling; harmful to minors in any way; impersonates another.

Reviews, Comments, Communications, or Any Other Content!

As long as the content doesn't break any laws or the rights of any third parties or contain any of the following: obscenity, abuse, threats, defamation, or other objectionable material, users of this website are free to send communications, post reviews, comments, and other content as well as submit suggestions, ideas, comments, questions, and other information. If a user tries to conceal their identity, whether it's by using a fake email address, acting like someone or something, or using any other technique.

Other Businesses!

Businesses other than Maxway Foods Private Limited and its affiliates may operate stores, provide services, or sell product lines on maxwaywellness.com. For instance, Marketplace is used by both individuals and businesses to advertise their products. We also provide links to numerous websites run by our partners and other businesses. We don't look at, evaluate, or recommend any of these people or organizations' goods or services, and we don't recommend the content of their websites either. For the actions, products, and content of all such and other third parties, Maxway Foods Private Limited disclaims all responsibility and liability. When a third party is involved in your transactions, you will be made aware of it and we may give them access to the customer data associated with those transactions.

Use Of Third-Party Services!

You might also be using the services of one or more third parties when you use the Maxway Software, such as a cellular provider or a mobile platform provider. Your use of these third-party services may be subject to their particular policies, terms of service, and charges.